Higher Speech
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
When you speak, what do you focus on?

Here's a very important question for you regarding your speaking and presenting: What are you focusing on? 

I have seen speakers focus on a wide variety of things. A speaker may focus on how they appear to their audience. Or they may focus on the speech itself, or how they will say it. They may focus on what is going on elsewhere in their lives, and therefore while physically present, are actually far, far away.

Great speakers focus on their audience, and on that audience's needs and wants. They focus on the benefits the audience will receive from their presentation. Their intent is centered around what they have to give their audience.

I'm not a huge fan of memorized speeches. I could give you many reasons for that, but the reason I want to talk about today is that when the speech is memorized, it is too easy to simply focus on the script in your head - whether you are struggling to remember the words of that script, or even if you have those words down cold. Either way, it can take your focus away from where it should be. 

One thing I have experienced over the years is that focusing on my audiences is not automatic. Sure, the more I've practice it the easier it gets, but if I don't make it a conscious decision every time I speak, it won't happen, and I won't get the connection with the audience I want. I found that intending to focus on my audience, and to remember that I am there for their benefit, that focus, and the positive result that comes along with it, tends to happen most of the time.

Like any muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it gets. Let me know how this works for you - I'd love to hear how you're doing.

Datta Groover Best regards,


Datta Groover

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Hi Datta,

Listened to you and Rachael's advice of the Next Author Program this is what i need at this time. Did a presentation last night incorporating the Yin project. I focused on my passion and almost everyone said they enjoyed but I felt the energy levels were low. Keep the good work coming I love it thanks again to you both this is just what i need at this time on my journey Fionax
posted by Anonymous Fiona: April 16, 2010 at 9:26 AM Delete: 

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Higher Speech is also dedicated to providing quality speakers who are experts in their fields and are dedicated to inspiring others and making a positive difference in the world.

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Higher Speech


To provide quality speakers who are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world.
2) To help others reach their next level of communication; enhancing their work, their relationships, and their lives.
3) To assist organizations in reaching the communication level they desire - and in doing so increasing their over-all effectiveness, efficiency, and profits.

The History of
Higher Speech

Higher Speech was founded in 2004 by Datta Groover in the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon. He realized that as much as he had to offer others, by bringing others on board with their own unique specialties and strengths, there is far more to offer the world at large together than what we can all do separately.

The name "Higher Speech" was chosen because it says what we are all about. In the history of our planet, "Higher Speech" is what has always made the most positive and long-lasting influences.

About Datta

Datta Groover's goal is to inspire others to improve their level and quality of communication, helping lives work better personally and professionally. He offers public-sector workshops on Communication and Public speaking, as well as workshops within the corporate world.

He has authored 4 books, both fiction and non-fiction, is a professional member of both the The National Speakers Association, and of The Author's Guild. Datta has published numerous articles, and worked for many years as the content and style editor for Torchlight Publishing.

He has been speaking in professional circles since the mid-1980s when he chaired the International Committee for Self-Sufficiency, and has spoken in Europe, India, Africa, South America, and North America (and not just to ask for directions).

He works primarily as a fee-paid speaker, though is always happy to lend his services to a worthy cause.  His primary area of speaking centers around personal communication, both within the business environment and in people’s personal lives.  His speaking style is simple, direct, entertaining, and from the heart.   

Datta & Rachael Jayne GrooverDatta is a motivational speaker and is hired frequently by speakers, authors, and trainers who want to improve their presentation and communication skills. He lives with his wife Rachael Jayne in Fort Collins, Colorado.