Higher Speech
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Thursday, August 19, 2010
Have you heard of the Speaker's Workout?

Are you willing to do what it takes to become better as a presenter? In the words of Goethe, "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."

Gym workout like speaking workoutOne of the things you can do is to work out. If you were preparing for a triathlon, you'd be putting some serious time in at the gym, wouldn't you? Similarly, there are exercises that will help improve your speaking ability. They may or may not be fun for you, depending on how weird you are. These can be done with material you would actually be using in your presentation, or with other material. The main thing is: they work!


Speaking quickly and articulately1) Speed Demon: Practice your material speaking (either from memory or reading) as fast as you can while articulating clearly. Do not slur the words. Make each syllable distinct. This will help improve your clarity when you speak, and will make it more comfortable for you to not only speak more quickly when you need to, but to be able to vary your rate of speaking - which will make you more easy to listen to.

Change your speaking style2) The Change Up: When we speak, we naturally speed up, slow down, and pause. Otherwise, we put people to sleep, or simply lose them. This exercise involves noticing where to speed up, slow down, and pause, and exaggerating it to the max. Consider a scale from 0-10; zero being dead and 10 being so far over the top that people would be running from the room wondering what drugs you'd been taking. Five would be ideal; not too much, not too little. For this exercise, get as close to a 10 as possible. Please note: in coaching hundreds of people in workshops and private sessions, I RARELY hear anyone get close to a 10. Many people do not even go over a "5." Be outrageous with this one. Give yourself permission to go "over the top." What this does, is to make it easier to hit that "perfect 5" more consistently. It also tends to make it easier for you to add more variety and interest to the way you speak. Try it - it really works.

Use both exercises, and you will like what they do for you. Yes, it is a bit of a workout, but it's worth it. The best part of it is that by practicing these simple exercises, not only will you be more effective as a presenter, your audiences will be more attentive to your message - and both you and them will have more fun.

Let me know how these work for you.


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I read to my six-year-old daughter every night and use this opportunity to practice the change up and vocal variety. I take it to the extreme. My daughter enjoys our reading time and I get to 'exercise' my speaking skills.
posted by Anonymous Steve C.: January 23, 2011 at 10:15 AM Delete: 
Datta. I didn't think to associate this tecnique for my presentation as well... Fantastic aaaahhhhaaaa, thank you! Steve I have a little one who really enjoyed "Life's Golden Ticket" I know maybe not for a 6 year old but this one has seen lots of too much adult tv and I'm the auntie who's weird anyway :D
posted by Anonymous Melissa Goin: November 5, 2011 at 10:03 PM Delete: 
Glad you like it Melissa. You can take it as far as you want.

Steve, sorry I missed your comment before now! Nothing like doing two great things with one single action.
posted by Blogger Datta Groover: November 6, 2011 at 3:38 PM Delete: 

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Higher Speech is also dedicated to providing quality speakers who are experts in their fields and are dedicated to inspiring others and making a positive difference in the world.

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To provide quality speakers who are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world.
2) To help others reach their next level of communication; enhancing their work, their relationships, and their lives.
3) To assist organizations in reaching the communication level they desire - and in doing so increasing their over-all effectiveness, efficiency, and profits.

The History of
Higher Speech

Higher Speech was founded in 2004 by Datta Groover in the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon. He realized that as much as he had to offer others, by bringing others on board with their own unique specialties and strengths, there is far more to offer the world at large together than what we can all do separately.

The name "Higher Speech" was chosen because it says what we are all about. In the history of our planet, "Higher Speech" is what has always made the most positive and long-lasting influences.

About Datta

Datta Groover's goal is to inspire others to improve their level and quality of communication, helping lives work better personally and professionally. He offers public-sector workshops on Communication and Public speaking, as well as workshops within the corporate world.

He has authored 4 books, both fiction and non-fiction, is a professional member of both the The National Speakers Association, and of The Author's Guild. Datta has published numerous articles, and worked for many years as the content and style editor for Torchlight Publishing.

He has been speaking in professional circles since the mid-1980s when he chaired the International Committee for Self-Sufficiency, and has spoken in Europe, India, Africa, South America, and North America (and not just to ask for directions).

He works primarily as a fee-paid speaker, though is always happy to lend his services to a worthy cause.  His primary area of speaking centers around personal communication, both within the business environment and in people’s personal lives.  His speaking style is simple, direct, entertaining, and from the heart.   

Datta & Rachael Jayne GrooverDatta is a motivational speaker and is hired frequently by speakers, authors, and trainers who want to improve their presentation and communication skills. He lives with his wife Rachael Jayne in Fort Collins, Colorado.